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Larisse Hall: Of the Essence

Larisse Hall Of the Essence Detail 2021 web

Larisse Hall, Of the Essence (detail), 2021

Larisse Hall: Of the Essence | Alcove Gallery

31 July - 14 November 2021

We wake and sleep to the rhythm of light. It is the basis of existence. Our most primal time tool, light directs routine and daily ritual.

Larisse Hall explores the value of time within an everyday context. Deconstructing our notions of the traditional 2-D painting to create an immersive participatory version of the self-portrait. In this new 'painting', Larisse invites the viewer to become both the co-creator and the subject matter. Encouraging the viewer to participate and engage with the work to activate the painting process.

Fun. Laughter. Surprise, are a few of the predicted outcomes. Selfies are encouraged. Capturing the now, and never to be repeated aspects of time. The ephemeral nature of presence, highlighted through this action. Honouring time as a constant, yet not an infinite resource.

Based in Nelson, New Zealand, Larisse Hall became captivated by light as potential medium, when she exhibited her first light installation in 2014.

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Tuesday to Saturday 10am – 4.00pm

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