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Birgit Moffatt: Ko Papatūānuku e takoto ake nei

Birgit Moffatt Through the Skin

Birgit Moffatt, Through the Skin (detail), 2020

Birgit Moffatt: Ko Papatūānuku e takoto ake nei | Alchove Gallery
23 May – 9 August 2020

This new installation is a sensory exploration and discovery to re-connect with the natural world in a society that changes with high speed through faster technology and global economy.

Birgit Moffatt is a forest wanderer who sharpens her senses to take notice and appreciate subtle changes of smell, light and sounds of the native bush with the change of seasons, weather and daytime. This work brings together gifts from Tāne-Mahuta, the god of the forests and birds Moffatt finds on her daily wanders through the nearby bush of the Tararua Ranges, transforming them into art objects by enhancing their complexity, ephemerality and fragility through techniques such as stitching, binding and wrapping.

'My work is a constant dialogue with Papatūānuku and expresses the deep connection I have with her.'

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