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The Ceremony in the Air: Pip Davies

Pip Davis SMGrey cropped

Courtesy of the artist.

6 o Hōngongoi - 6 o Whiringa-ā-nuku 2024
6 July – 5 October 2024

He kohinga peita a The Ceremony in the Air nā Pip Davies, kua herea ānō nei he korowai. Rua tekau mā toru ngā papanga peita kiriaku, ā, whakatauhia ai ngā tauira i runga i te āheinga ā-āhuahanga o ngā 'papauku Einstein'. He taparau tapa-tekau mā toru te papauku Einstein, ka rite tonu te rōpinepine, e kore rawa te tauira e toaitia.

Ko tēnei mahi hou te whakatinanatanga o tā Davies pai ki te rangahau whakamārama mō ngā tauira me ngā huringa o te ao tukupū, mai i te rangahau i ngā āhua pēnei i te mangōpare me te buta, ki ōna whakapono Nichiren Buddhist me tana whakamaioha i te paparanga o te mātātangata. I The Ceremony in the Air, ka whakakotahi te ringatoi i ngā ariā pāngarau me ngā ariā tautake rerekē mō te ora ake hei whakamātau i te āhuatanga ki te hononga.

I whānau mai a Pip Davies ki Te Matau-a-Māui i te tau 1961, ā, kei Haumoana e noho ana, e mahi ana hoki. He tohu paetahi Toi Ataata Hoahoa tōna nā EIT, Te Matau a Māui, 2008, otirā he Tiwhikete Toi Maori Toi Taketake hoki nā Toimairangi, 2023.


The Ceremony in the Air is a network of paintings by Pip Davies, strung together in a cloak-like embrace. The work comprises twenty-three acrylic paintings on fabric, with patterns determined upon a geometric formwork of ‘Einstein tiles’. The recently discovered Einstein tile is a thirteen-sided polygon that tessellates infinitely, without ever repeating the same exact pattern.

This recent work draws upon Davies’ interest in finding existential meaning through the patterns and cycles of our universe, from her study of forms such as mangopare and buta, to her beliefs as a Nichiren Buddhist and her appreciation of the layered nature of humanity. In The Ceremony in the Air, the artist nestles together different mathematical and philosophical theories about life itself, testing the building blocks of connection. 

Pip Davies was born in Te Matau-a-Māui Hawke’s Bay in 1961 and lives and works in Haumoana. She holds a degree in Visual Arts and Design from EIT Hawke’s Bay, 2008, and a Certificate in Māori and Indigenous Art from Toimairangi School of Māori Visual Arts, 2023.

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